The Art of Robin McFadden
Day 25 Learning.jpg


A collection of writings on various topics because why the heck not?

I used to blog almost daily on my Weebly site. Since I like to keep things together, I’ve begun bringing my favorite posts over here. If you like them and want more, you can still go to and read as much as you like. Thanks for coming!

Bite the Y Axis (01/05/15)

I have this pet theory, that Time is not the fourth dimension of Space, but is instead the mirror of Space, with three dimensions of its own. And we live our physical lives on the y axis, but our minds have access to at least one of the others, which is where fiction lives.

We are, if I’m right, falling through the y axis, which explains many things: Over the course of your life, time will appear to be speeding up; that is because it is. It takes a while to get to terminal velocity. Also, the temporal equivalent of windburn makes it impossible to see the future (down), whereas the past is clearly visible.

And we can make fictional worlds so real, we can lose ourselves in them. Does no one else find this fascinating? Human thought is the strangest phenomenon in the universe, but it passes unnoticed because everyone’s too busy using those thoughts for thinking about other stuff to think about them as entities in themselves.

Awkward sentence there, but my point stands. Minds travel where bodies can’t. Along another axis of Time.

I wanted so much to see it proven mathematically…

Then I read Heinlein’s Number of the Beast and realized that it was his theory twenty-five years before it was mine. That’s discouraging. If mathematicians have had access to this notion since 1980, and no one’s proven it yet, it’s probably bunk. Time is just the fourth dimension, everybody says so. I should stop coming up with silly layman theories and go back to painting. Kind of embarrassing. *sigh*

On the other hand, it also means I occasionally come up with ideas on par with those of Robert Heinlein, and he, whatever else he was, was a genius. What does that make me?

Someone who can focus on the silver lining.

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